With Mother’s Day around the corner we thought we’d do a special episode of the WeCrochet Podcast and devote our whole episode to the celebration of moms, step-moms, grandmas, mother-figures, mentors, teachers, and all the strong people that have had an impact in our lives in some way! We’re sharing stories from our moms, stories about your moms, projects for moms, and more.
First up, Sara talks to her mom, Kay, the lady that got her started on her crochet journey. Grandma Anne taught Mama Kay to crochet when she was kid. Her first project was an endless granny square.

Kay has continued to be crafty throughout the years and has even ventured into combining crocheting and needle felting.

Next up, Heather chats with her mom, Kathy, about all things crochet, specifically patterns and projects that have inspired. Having come from a long line of pioneer families, crafts have always been a big part of Kathy’s life. Some of Kathy’s Crocheted Greatest Hits according to Heather are crocheted Christmas ornament snowflakes, crocheted angel tree topper, and a crocheted vest.
We love our crochet community. We’re so happy to hear about all of your moms, step-moms, aunts, grandmas and mother-figures. Our listeners called in to leave a voicemail with stories. Enjoy these great “Mom” stories from our listeners. I’m not crying, you’re crying!
Lastly Producer Sarah talks to her mom about her love for crochet! As a left-handed crocheter, Cathy likes to work on projects that are kind of mindless and fun and is a big fan of plant fibers. “Crochet has always been a friend.” She recalls.
We close with a word from Sara. One bright part of the weird period we’re in has been having the chance to video conference with all of you and meet some of your kids. Many of you have been working hard at WeCrochet, while taking on childcare AND teaching, too. Watching all of you support your kids during these stressful times and handle everything with such grace and determination and kindness has been so inspiring. We’re very lucky to work on a team of dedicated, thoughtful, and hard-working women. Happy Mother’s Day to our team and to all of you! You are all doing a great job and you are so loved.
Keep crocheting, and we will too! Because WeCrochet!
Mentioned in this Episode:
WeCrochet Magazine Issue 2
Luminance Silk Yarn
Rose Window Top
Needle Felting Tool
Chrysalis Cardigan Set
Cotlin Yarn
Shine Yarn
0:00 Welcome with Sara
0:48 Sara talks to her mom, Mama Kay
13:06 Heather talks to her mom, Kathy
27:05 Listener voicemails and stories
36:09 Producer Sarah talks to her mom, Cathy
46:13 Final word from Sara
47:18 Credits