Although we narrowed the CAL sweater options from My First Sweater collection to Rosie & Chelsea we gave everyone complete creative freedom with the color and yarn selections. Because we all are such huge fans of Swish, it was an easy choice to choose to use the original yarn. But for many of us our similarities to the original sweaters stops there. Both sweaters feature a seamless top-down construction beginning with the ribbed neck and yoke.

Andi is stitching Rosie, but she decided to use only three colors. She is modifying the color placement but using the same striping pattern.

Liz G. is also stitching Rosie but opted to use two colors and a narrow striping pattern throughout the entire sweater.

Liz L. loved the original Rosie and plans to follow the color striping pattern, but has selected a much brighter palette.

Ranielle also loved the original Rosie and decided to stick to the original pattern.

Regan liked the raglan shape of Rosie, but like Liz G., decided to change the striping pattern and is also only using three colors.

Kate opted for the circular yoke of Chelsea, but decided to omit the color blocked edging and let the pattern shine with one color.

Jen also opted for Chelsea but is using three colors to partially incorporating the color striping of Rosie.
So far we are keeping pace with each other, but we suspect that won’t be the case for very long.
What about you – are you stitching along with us? Which sweater and yarn did you select?