Tag Archives: interview


It’s time once again for a little thing we like to call Meet the Team, the blog post where you meet someone on our team! Today we are introducing Katelyn, our new Outreach Coordinator! She’s the person who is responsible for all the patterns you see in our magazine and collections. If it has to do with patterns, Katelyn probably has to do with it!

We are so excited to welcome Katelyn to our team, and also to learn more about her with a fun little interview. Read on!

How long have you been crocheting and when did you fall in love with crochet?  I have been crocheting for about 11 years consistently. I learned how to crochet because I wanted to learn to make a granny square like my great grandmother did. My mom couldn’t remember how to connect the square so I learned from a Klutz book. Once I learned that I was hooked!

What was your first crochet project? Technically my first crochet project was a simple double crochet scarf in the back loop, at the time I didn’t know that it was common to go under both loops. My first real project where I followed a pattern was the Summer Breeze Cardigan from Crochet Today!

What do you wish you had known when you first started crocheting?
Honestly, I was fortunate that didn’t know anything when I started so I didn’t know if something was wrong or scary. When I started there weren’t many blogs or video tutorials to teach you things, or at least I didn’t know about them. My first project was a sweater, so no fear there! I hope people can remember when they start that this is all a journey, it is just a stick and string. Enjoy the process and be proud of how far you grow all the time.

I hope people can remember when they start that this is all a journey, it is just a stick and string. Enjoy the process and be proud of how far you grow all the time.

What is your favorite thing to crochet?
I prefer to crochet cardigans and blankets. Every baby I know has gotten a baby blanket. My two kids always try to get me to make things for them but this year I started to make more for myself!

What’s your favorite of your crochet projects?
I think that my favorite project that I have made so far was a sweater that I added a mosaic band to. Really I combined two patterns that I had made to make a sweater. I can’t wait for the weather to get cool so that I can wear it again!

Do you have a favorite crochet stitch or technique?
I don’t know that I have a favorite but I have learned that I don’t really like slip stitch anything. I have a project that uses it for the ribbing which is in time out because I just can’t get my tension right for it!

Current favorite WeCrochet yarn or product?
So far I have only gotten to work with Lindy Chain and have LOVED it! I really can’t wait to try out Hawthorne and something tweed!

Biggest yarn/crochet-related pet peeve?
Please don’t crochet over your ends! That drives me NUTS!!! I feel like people do themselves a disservice to all the work that they have done if they don’t weave their ends in completely. The end up coming out and look unfinished!

Do you have any current crochet goals?
I took a class on Tunisian crochet about two years ago and only made one simple blanket after that. I have a goal to make at least one Tunisian garment this year! I love the look of Tunisian.

What do you hope to bring to the WeCrochet team?
It really is a dream to get to work for a yarn company. Being able to get up every day and work with yarn and designers is so amazing. I hope that I can bring a different perspective to the team when it comes to picking themes and patterns that will help to diversify the content that gets put out. I hope that my love of color and crafts can shine in my future work.

Anything else we should know?
I am so excited to get to join the WeCrochet team. I can’t wait to get my hands on all of the amazing patterns that are available. I am excited to get to know the WeCrochet community better and learn from everyone at the company and in the community.

We’re so glad you’re part of the team, Katelyn!

Crochet Designer Spotlight: Meet Michelle Ferguson of TwoBrothersBlankets
A headshot of Michelle Ferguson, a woman with long blonde hair, who is wearing a crocheted cowl around her neck.

Meet Michelle Ferguson, the crochet designer behind Two Brothers Blankets, whose design specialty is garments and accessories for the handmade wardrobe. She loves reading, the beach, and watching college football, and her proudest crochet accomplishment was when she was on the cover of Happily Hooked Magazine!

We’re so excited to talk to you today, Michelle! Can’t wait to get to know you better. You caught our attention with all your great wearable patterns for crochet, and we are super excited that some of your crochet patterns are now available for sale on our site.

One of your patterns caught our eye: The Aspen Tunic. Can you tell us about the inspiration/design process for that pattern?

I love a cute outfit of leggings, a tunic, and boots. So I wanted to create a crochet tunic that I could wear with my leggings and boots. I was also really loving crochet cables and wanted cables to be the feature of this design.

Why did you choose the yarn you chose for this design?

Brava Sport is a really nice sport weight yarn. It’s lightweight so you’re not too warm when wearing it. It is also 100% premium acrylic so it’s very soft and sturdy. Brava Sport is just a really great sport weight yarn for garments.

When did you fall in love with crochet?

I fell in love with crochet about a year after I first learned how to crochet. I was a stay-at-home mama of two toddlers, and I had just picked crochet back up and began to really learn how to create things other than just swatches. It was something just for me. It gave me a sense of accomplishment and pride, even when I was home all day with the kiddos.

What was your first crochet project (and do you have a photo of it)?

Michelle's first crochet project: A navy blue scarf (with fringe) draped over a chair
Michelle’s First Crochet Project

I believe my first finished project was a simple scarf in all double crochet and I even added fringe to it! (photo attached)

Wow, that’s pretty great for your first project! What was your first design and how do you feel about it now?

My first design was my Amelia Earwarmer. It is probably the most simple project ever, but I was putting feelers out to see if designing was something I really wanted to do. It is free on my blog now and still does really well, so I’m very happy with it.

Michelle models the Amelia Earwarmer, a bulky gray crocheted headband with two large buttons on the left side.
Michelle’s First Design: The Amelia Earwarmer

How did you get started sharing your crochet designs?

I started out just uploading them to Ravelry and sharing them on Facebook. First, to my own family and friends. Then I created a Facebook business page and used that to reach more people.

What’s your favorite of your crochet designs?

That’s a hard question! I think my all time favorite would have to be my Savannah Sweater. It is chic and classy but so simple! It has such great texture and is quite versatile too!

What do you hope to design in the future, or where do you want to go with your designs?

I absolutely love designing garments and accessories for the handmade wardrobe and will continue to do so. I do mostly tops and sweaters, so it would be fun to venture out a bit and try some other wardrobe items like skirts and/or jewelry!

What’s been the biggest surprise that came out of starting your crochet site?

I think just that feeling I get when I see that people like my designs and can make something that came from me. I still get giddy when people share their projects made from my designs!

Current favorite WeCrochet yarn?

I still love Brava, both sport and worsted and use it often! But there are still so many yarns that I am looking forward to trying!

What is your favorite thing to crochet?

Currently spring/summer tops and blankets!

Michelle models the Magnolia Tee, a sleeveless maroon crocheted top with bands of solid crochet and bands of filigree lacy crochet
One of Michelle’s Spring/Summer designs: Magnolia Tee

Biggest yarn/crochet-related pet peeve?

When I get close to the end of the skein and somehow manage to get it tangled around itself as I’m crocheting.

What do you wish you had known when you first started crocheting?

When I first started I didn’t realize there was a right side to the stitches, so for a while I was making all my hats inside out! I wish I had figured that out sooner…like before I was giving them away to friends and family! LOL

Thank you so much for taking the time to chat with us, Michelle! How can our readers find you online?

They can find me at www.twobrothersblankets.com or on Instagram (@twobrothersblankets) and Facebook (facebook.com/twobrothersblankets).

Find all of Michelle’s WeCrochet designs here.

Find all her Ravelry patterns here.