Temperature blankets are a snapshot of the weather over a given time period in a given area through your crochet. The great thing about temperature blankets is that you can pick any colors, yarn, stitch pattern and time span that you want.

For those that are just starting on their first blanket, be aware that you have options of what temperature you record and what town or city that you want to record. Temperature blanket location and time period are an important choice to make along with your yarn and stitch pattern.
Remember this is a snapshot of a time period and location. This could be for your hometown, the town of someone you love, a year or a shorter period of time. Use these suggestions to pick the best location and time period for your next, or first, temperature blanket.
Temperature Blanket Location Ideas
Work the temperature of your hometown, your favorite vacation spot or that of a family member or friend. Only you, and those you tell, will know what special place you are recording. No matter what location you use, you are sure to have a beautiful project at the end to cherish.

If you have already made a temperature blanket before you might not want to make another for your hometown. Here are some ideas of locations that you could use your temperature blanket to capture.
- Hometown
- Current City
- Favorite Vacation City
- Grandkid’s City
- Friend’s City
- City of Birth
Temperature Blanket Time Period Ideas
Traditionally a temperature blanket tracks a year, 365 days, of weather. Why not use this project as a way to remember a special event that happened?

Many times people will work one row for each day of the year. This would result in 365 rows of your blanket, so you can choose to work your blanket in another way. Throughout the blanket you can mark special days, like birthdays or anniversaries, with special yarn or by holding a second novelty yarn for that day.
Here are some ideas of time periods that you could track with your temperature blanket.
- Pregnancy (9 months of temperatures)
- Baby’s First Year
- 50th Birthday Year (or other milestone birthday)
- Graduation Year
- First Year of Marriage
- Time while building a house
Missed Dates
We know that keeping track of the temperature might be a hard thing to do. Making this a habit is key, but if you missed a date while working on your project there are other ways to get the temperatures you need.

Missed a date while working on your project? Maybe you want to use a year that has already passed. You can still get the past temperature information by using a tool on the internet to get that information.
If you haven’t already, please join our 2021 Temperature Blanket Crochet Along, and read the other posts in this series: