Every crocheter knows that when you make something for someone, you are expressing so much love! Here are my top suggestions for valentine crochet projects to show love (and they make great gifts that everyone can appreciate!)

Love is in the air and if you’re like me you are somewhere between either have caught the love bug or a little disgusted that our culture does this. I definitely have a too-cool-for-school part of me that doesn’t want to participate in mainstream holidays that feel like Hallmark made them up to sell cards. (Speaking of which, Valentine’s Day actually has some interesting history behind it.)
You might also enjoy: 11 Joyful Crochet Patterns to Make Today
However, as I’ve gotten older I have learned to embrace the ridiculousness of it all and enjoy having an extra day to appreciate people in my life. I have taken Valentine’s Day as an opportunity to make little things for people to let them know I’m thinking about them and that they are loved. Anything that brings someone a little joy is worth doing, no matter the season.
Here are some gifts you can make that anyone can appreciate:
1. Valentine Crochet Bags and Pouches
Crocheted bags and pouches are useful items that everyone needs. Whether to hold produce, polyhedral dice and the latest edition of the Dungeons & Dragons rules, or just a fun bag to use as a purse, handmade bags are useful. I’m in the camp that you can’t have enough bags which is why they make great gifts. A bonus benefit to bags, you can use them to help wrap or deliver something else like chocolates or wine.
Bag patterns to check out:

2. Crocheted Toys
You can’t go wrong with crocheted toys, especially toys that are handmade. I have yet to meet a person who can resist the charm of a good amigurumi or stuffie. They’re fun and usually don’t take long to make.
Toy Patterns to Check Out:

3. Valentine Crochet Hats
I am a firm believer in making hats. I love a good hat. They are my go-to project when I don’t know what to make but my hands want to be crocheting. Most people can use a hat, especially if it’s made with love.
Hat patterns to check out

Bonus: Galentines + Palentines + Valentine Crochet Patterns
If you really want to sweep someone off their feet or if you are looking for something a little more traditional, here are some crochet patterns to check out for your Valentines / Galentines / Palentines:

Bonus #2: Valentine Gifts for Crocheters
If you have any crocheters in your life and not sure what to get them, I suggest getting them:
A good project bag is always appreciated by a crafter.
Yarn bowls are a special thing that I always forgot I wanted when shopping for myself so when my mother-in-law got me one, I was thrilled. They are so useful.

Finally, a yarn swift is a great gift that most crocheters don’t realize they need (but can’t live without once they get one!)

No matter how you celebrate with your friends, family, sweethearts this February, know that we’re here for you!