No one is perfect. We’re all just trying our best, even if it doesn’t always feel that way. One of Heather’s favorite topics is talking about failure. On this episode of the WeCrochet Podcast the team talks about some of their crochet fails. Heather helps each person through the cycle of emotions that happen around each “fail” and turns them into learning moments.
First Producer Sarah and Heather chat about Producer Sarah’s Bobble Clutch Bag that just won’t end. Next Camden and Heather discuss Camden’s loved bunny blunder. Sara and Heather talk about all of Sara’s sweaters with arms that are too long. Lastly, we meet Zoey. Heather and Zoey talk about how dye lots of yarn matter.
Share your #crochetfail with us on social or call us and leave us a voicemail 360-334-4847. We truly love connecting with our community.
Mentioned in this episode:
Bobble Clutch Bag
Shine Worsted
Floral Tapestry Top
Craftfail When Homemade Goes Terribly Wrong by Heather Mann
How Sunk Cost Fallacy Applies To Love | Planet Money
Knitted Bunnies
Warm Up Together Call #WarmUpTogether #WarmUpAmerica
Tuff Puff yarn
Upcycle Reserve
00:00 Heather and Producer Sarah
10:54 Heather and Camden
13:16 WarmUpTogether
16:00 Heather and Sara
20:41 Heather and Zoey
31:16 Credits