Tag Archives: Crochet designer interview

Become a Crochet Designer: Creating a Design Proposal

Do you aspire to become a crochet designer? Last week we shared a Call for Crochet Design Submissions for our Winter 2021 collections. This week, we are sharing some tips and tricks for submitting your design proposals! Read on for resources on how to create a winning design proposal.

A stack of crocheted blankets folded on a stylish green vinyl chair
Some of the designs from our Fall 2020 Comforts of Home collection.

If becoming a crochet designer (or designing for WeCrochet) is on your bucket list, we would LOVE to help make that happen! But how do you do it?

The WeCrochet Design Process:

Well, it’s a bit of a process, but before you design for us, you have to submit a design proposal! The beginning part of the process looks a little like this:

  1. See the WeCrochet call for design submissions.
  2. Submit a design proposal (NOT the full pattern)
  3. Wait to see if your design is accepted.
  4. If your design is accepted, then sign a contract.
  5. Receive yarn support from WeCrochet and write your pattern by the deadline.
  6. WeCrochet hires a tester to make your pattern. You answer questions and make pattern tweaks as needed.

Tons of Tips for Creating a Design Proposal:

Chrisandra Skipper of And She Laughs is one of the designers we frequently work with, and she has been posting all kinds of helpful information for designers who want to work with us. Here’s her IGTV segment about her process of coming up with design proposals:

Chrisandra also wrote a blog post about her design proposal process with tons of tips for success, so be sure to go check that out. Chrisandra’s design proposals are some of the best-looking proposals we receive, so feel free to follow her lead when constructing your own proposals! Her tips are so good!

One of Chrisandra's proposals next to the final version of her design, The Color Pop Stocking
One of Chrisandra’s proposals next to the final version of her design, The Color Pop Stocking

In her blog post, she also shares actual design proposals she’s submitted (and we’ve selected) and how the final product turned out! Click the photo above to see more examples in her post.

We got so excited about Chrisandra’s tips and tricks (and willingness to help fellow crocheters become designers), that we did a little interview with her sharing some insider information about what we’re looking for in design proposals. So go check that one out too!

Ruth Nguyen’s Tips for Designers:

Ruth Nguyen, another designer we love working with, and who has worked with multiple brands in both crochet and knitting, has also written a series on writing design proposals on her blog Red Earth Design Studio, so please check these out too:

Other Crochet Design Resources:

Still want more? Here are some other resources to help you on your journey of becoming a crochet designer:

The fireside afghan, a crochet pattern from crochet.com - a top-down view of a red and black buffalo check afghan with hands holding a cup of coffee

Crochet Designers (and aspiring designers): The deadline for Winter 2021 submissions is January 27, 2021, so go check out the call and please submit your design proposals!

Have questions? Feel free to drop them in the comments!

How to become a crochet designer: Tips, tricks, and resources. A pink background with a film strip, the main image showing a woman smiling and holding up two crocheted amigurumi cat-mermaid toys

WeCrochet Podcast Episode 20 – Cool Crochet
Dancing in the Sun Wrap by Janine Myska

On this episode of the WeCrochet Podcast we’re celebrating our new collaboration with crochet designer Janine Myska of Knits ‘n Knots, and her new collection, Cool Crochet for Warm Days and also touching upon size-inclusiveness and why it’s important in crochet designs.

First, now that it’s officially fall Sara and Heather chat about their completed crochet projects this summer. Sara was busy crocheting nine different projects and Heather was busy with her crochet doodles. Sara gives Heather advice for how to crochet garments that actually fit. Then they talk about size inclusivity and what WeCrochet does to make sure our patterns fit as many people as possible.

Next, Sara gets together with Janine Myska of Knits ‘n Knots and talks about how she got started with crochet and the creation of the Cool Crochet for Warm Days collection, featuring 5 new size-inclusive crochet garment designs. Sara asks Janine why size inclusivity is important to her, and also gets some behind-the-scenes info about creating and photographing this collection.

Finally, a quick mention of the Crochet Foundry Fall collection, which features 7 new size-inclusive crochet garment designs.

Listen, rate and review on Apple Podcasts!

If you want to hear more from Janine, she was a guest on our Monthly Facebook Live, Coffee and Crochet. Check out Coffee & Crochet with Janine Myska from Knits ‘N Knots

Mentioned in this Episode
Canopy Shawl
Twilight Top
Lindy Chain Yarn
Cool Crochet for Warm Days: A Knits ‘n Knots Collection by Janine Myska
Cool Crochet Kit: Golden Leaves Wrap by Janine Myska
Hawthorne Yarn
Curio #3 Yarn
Cotlin Yarn
Cool Crochet Kit: Seashore Tank by Janine Myska
Cool Crochet Kit: Dancing in the Sun Wrap Pattern Kit by Janine Myska
Faux Fade Wrap Free pattern by Janine Myska
Crochet Foundry Magazine – Fall 2020

0:00 Introduction conversation with Sara and Heather
6:23 Sara interviews Janine Myska
36:45 Crochet Foundry
37:42 Credits