While we are all enjoying the extended single crochet stitch , the stitch used in both the Rosie & the Chelsea, we are all having different levels of success finding time to stitch.

Kate is cruising along and has made a lot of progress. She seems to be making the quickest progress and said locking stitch markers have been the key to keeping track of her stitches. We really love how this single color version is turning out, even if we are little envious of her progress.

Ranielle is also stitching away and has nearly finished her body and has also found locking stitcher markers to be a necessity. She also had suggestions on how we could update the pattern to better call out the color changes, and we’re incorporating her feedback into a future update to make the pattern easier to follow.

Regan’s sweater has reached the body portion of the stitching, and we love how he modified the stripe pattern and are excited to see how his sweater continues to take shape.

Liz L, Liz G, and Jen had less luck finding time to stitch and while they have all added a few rows, their progress isn’t quite as noticeable. Which brings us to Andi, who is in the process of moving and accidently packed her project.
#teamrosie / #teamchelsea / #wecrochetcal